“Every child is a competent learner from birth who can be resilient, capable, confident and self assured.”
Curriculum refers to the entirety of the organised experience of students in any institutional setting towards educational aims and objectives. As per the guidelines of NEP 2020 the entire school curriculum has been framed into the pattern of 5 + 3 + 3 + 4.
Balvatika (Class Nursery to II)
As per the NEP 2020 guidelines these are the first 5 years of a child’s schooling. During the ages of 3 to 8, appropriate and high-quality ECCE is provided in institutional environments to our children. This is typically carried out as follows:
- I. 3-6 years: Early childhood education program name as Balvatika or pre school.
- II. 6-8 years: Early primary education program in school (Grades 1 and 2).
From 3 to 8 years of age, ECCE includes continued attention to health, safety, care, and nutrition; but also, crucially, self-help skills, motor skills, hygiene, physical development through movement and exercise, expressing and communicating thoughts and feelings to parents and others, ethical development, and forming all-round good habits. Education during these years also entails the development of early literacy and numeracy, including learning about the alphabet, languages, numbers, counting, colours, shapes, drawing/ painting, indoor and outdoor play, puzzles and logical thinking, art, craft, music, and movement.
Each class room has a SMART board which makes our class rooms more interactive and helps each student to be abreast with the technological advancement in the field of teaching, teaching – learning / education.
Class III to V:
The defined curriculum provides new challenges and enjoyable learning experiences to meet varied needs of children. The curriculam as per the guidelines of CBSE and innovative enhancements from our end means it more coherent and meaningful from the learners point of view.
The teaching-learning process stimulates the learners to go beyond the boundaries of the text book. The subjects provided are:- English, Maths, Hindi, Science, Social Science, Computer application, Art & Craft, Music & Dance.
To provide knowledge and understanding of different languages and literature from Class IV. We offer III language –Sanskrit – option to students.
The curriculum planning ensures the progression in the learning process of the child.
Class VI to VIII:
Subjects offered to classes VI to VIII are English, Hindi, Maths, Science, Social Science, III Language- Sanskrit, Computer Science, General Knowledge, Value Education, Music, Art, Dance, Physical Education, various sports and co-curricular activities.
Class IX and X: (strictly as per CBSE guidelines)
The various subjects offered to students are Communicative English, Hindi course B / French / Sanskrit, General Science (Physics, Chemistry and Biology), Social Science (History, Geography, Economics and Civics), Mathematics, Computer Science, Physical and Health education, Art & Craft, Music & Dance, work Experiences, Life skills, various sports and c-curricular activities
Class XI & XII:

Class I to VIII:
In classes I to VIII computers are taught as an activity subject. The theoretical and practical knowledge of the students is assessed as per CCE guidelines. The performance grade of a student is marked under work experience.
Class IX and X:
The school offers (Information Technology) for classes IX and X.
\Class XI and XII:
Students are offered Computer Science – C++ – subject code=083- in which they learn the programming language C++ along with network SQL designing and query language.